Deep Soul Treasures Rar

  1. It's All Wrong (It's All Right)

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Deep Soul Treasures Rar

By admin On April 8, 2018. 坂本真綾 – everywhere Released: 2016 Genre: Pop Bitrate: FLAC 24bit 96khz & MP3 V0 VBR RAR / 2.3 GB; RAR / 149 MB Tracklist: Download →. VA – Lost Deep Soul Treasures Vol.3.rar The Lost Deep Soul Treasures series continues with another volume of absolutely necessary, indispensable music. The anonymous producers of these compilations are to be commended for bringing these tracks to the light of day again after decades in obscurity.

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Impressive 12 volume collection of some of the rarest deep soul tracks you can find. Highlights include 'I Found A Love' by Valentine Adams, 'I Shed A Tear' by Dan Hart And James Shorter, 'When Midnight Comes' by Sandra Phillips, 'Getting Over You' by Ray Lewis, 'Give It Up' by Benny Johnson, 'It's All Over Now' by Freddie Watson, 'Without Your Love I'll Be Nothing' by Lavorn Smith, 'Push Button Love' by The Internationals, 'Amateur Love' by The Superiors Band And Their Soul Singers, 'This Is My Story' by Johnny And Lily, 'Wake Me When It's Over' by The Experts, 'The Love In My Heart' by Gerald Trotter, 'I Need You' by Barbara Howard, 'My Little Baby' Charles And Ivory, 'Ooh I Love You' by The Cashmeres, 'Your Search Is Over' by Walter Foster, 'Too Much Pride' by The Persians, 'Morning Noon I Cry' by Roger And The Ridley Sisters and 'Try Me Darling' by Anthony Burns. Sound quality varies a bit but not too bad, no liner notes on any volume.Soul

It's All Wrong (It's All Right)

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5 out of 10