R18 Otome Games

Starting this blog off with a review for Chou no Doku Hana no Kusari (蝶の毒 華の鎖)!

Posted March 27, 2018 (edited) On 3/22/2018 at 6:50 PM, milkteebaby said: I'm looking to play an 18+ otome game. The developer, Kalmia8, is very well known for making 18+ Otome VNs. You can check Kalmia8 games here Kalmia8. You should also check out their newest game, Ohime-sama datte XXX Shitai!!

The Nomiya family has become debt-ridden, but despite this, they throw a big party for their daughter Yuriko’s birthday. After finding out the party was arranged so her parents would be able to get Yuriko marry into money to save the house, she despairs and wants to run away. However, the night gets interrupted by a group of people who start ravaging around the house and try to attack Yuriko, before she gets saved by a man she has never seen before. The game starts unfolding from there, with Yuriko simultaneously trying to get her house out of debt and unraveling the mystery behind her family.

This review is spoiler-free.


Otome games 18+
  1. The design and artwork in Fashioning Little Miss Lonesome were decent for an R18 Otome Game. The colours are very bright, lively and fun and the characters/CGs had crisp line work. I enjoyed a lot of the very exaggerated character expressions, as they’re obviously more overemphasised for the comedic effect.
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  3. As far as I know, this is the first R-18 otome game officially released in English, so I highly recommend western otome gamers to give Kalmia8 and MangaGamer their support! The review will contain slight spoilers for the game etc. So, without further ado, レッツボッチ!.
  4. Some being R18 otome games. It's not always about the 'ecchi' scenes or anything, but also the way they use mature stories, cases and scenarios and somehow toy with your mind like mad. Otome games like Chou No Doku Hana and Akazukin To Mayoi Mori brought up the deepest topics in terms of psychology, things that light-hearted otome games don't.
R18 Otome Games

Yuriko Nomiya (no voice, name changeable)


A young lady living in the Taisho era. People claim she has a sweet, intoxicating scent lingering around her. Despite her appearances, she has bit of a tomboy streak and is surprisingly rebellious for a woman of that time period (and for an otome game protagonist). In my opinion, the “ordinary girl”-type of otoge protagonist done right, since while also being very polite and traditionally ladylike, she also has a healthy dose of common sense and reacts to what’s happening realistically.

Yoshiki Majima (CV: Takashi Kondo)

The gardener of the Nomiya family and Yuriko’s first love at the start of the game. Majima has been working in the Nomiya house since Yuriko was little, making him an important family member for her, despite him being a servant. Emitting a calm aura, Majima treats everyone with kindness. He is also quite knowledgeable about tea.

Mizuhito (CV: Daisuke Hirakawa)

Yuriko’s older brother, who is a skilled painter, but instead of painting spends most of his time at the red-light district and because of this he is considered the black sheep of the family. He also has a massive sister complex and isn’t afraid to show it even in front of their parents. Mizuhito strongly opposes his parents’ plan about marrying Yuriko with a rich man and treats Shiba, who is smitten with Yuriko, noticeably colder that other people.

Hitoshi Fujita (CV: Hiroki Yasumoto)

The Nomiya family’s butler who is half Japanese. His unusual appearance (…well, in-universe at least) has made him a victim of severe discrimination in Japan. Fujita was hired to work as a butler by Yuriko’s father when no one else would hire him, which made him extremely loyal towards the house.

Hideo Ozaki (CV: Junji Majima)

Yuriko’s childhood friend. He and Yuriko used to be really close, but at some point started drifting away from each other and Hideo’s attitude for Yuriko turned cold. This makes him unnecessarily blunt when talking to Yuriko at times, but he quickly reverts back to his old gentle personality after seeing her upset by his words.

Junichi Shiba (CV: Masayuki Katou)

An oresama type character, Shiba is an upstart and the man who saves her from the attackers in at her birthday party. No one knows about his family history or how he became rich in the first place. He seems to have his eye on Yuriko from their very first meeting and will stop at nothing in making her fall for him.

Kyouko Amami (CV: Masako Katsuki)

A liquor store owner’s wealthy daughter. Loves cute things and even though she’s married, there’s rumors of her also being interested in women. A long time friend of Yuriko’s mother Shigeko. Probably scarier than everyone else in this game added together.


I would say the level of writing in this game is well above average in general. The script isn’t stretched out, unlike so many other novel games I’ve had the… pleasure of playing lately. The script has a hefty amount of old Japanese, so with unnecessary filler this would have been a pain to wade through. I can’t exactly recommend this game to someone just starting with the language, but the writing style does add to the game’s mature feel. It’s refreshing to see a R-18 game which is actually more mature as opposed to R-18 games which are exactly the same as all-ages games, only with porn tacked on to make them “for mature audiences”.

The writers have a great sense of humor as well and I found myself laughing a lot more than I thought I would playing a seemingly serious game like this. As one would expect from first appearances though, this game has next to none of that traditional sugar sweet otoge romance. That’s not to say it isn’t romantic, but playing this one for the romance will surely leave you disappointed, since it has relatively little of it even when compared to other history themed games out there.


I also love a game with a lot of bad endings and ChouHana sure delivered in that aspect. One of the characters doesn’t even have anything besides bad ones and even most of the happier ones are more bittersweet than anything. Most of the endings in this game are solid and wrap the story up nicely, save for one of characters, whose all endings feel incomplete and as a result, he as a character ends up feeling a bit shallower than I expected. Even after the plot twist in his routes happen, we don’t really get to know what he thinks about anything, really. That doesn’t manage to ruin him as a character, but since he had a lot of potential to be a really complex character and the game forces you to do his route last, I have to admit being disappointed.

The characters in general, though, are written believably and were surprisingly easy to sympathize with. My favorites were Shiba and Kyouko, who are very similar to each other, now that I think of it. I usually tend to avoid possessive characters, since they just irritate me for not being believably written 99% of the time. Here, however, the writers didn’t play too safe and I didn’t have worry about them taking some cheap shortcut to conveniently explain their actions.

Otome Games online, free


The voice acting is great! The voice actors really nailed the whole olden timey speaking style and sounded effortless, making the atmosphere of the game feel authentic. For some reason I liked Hirakawa’s voice as Mizuhito a lot more than I usually do, maybe his signature dry laugh just works for the character this time around or something. I hadn’t heard Shiba’s voice actor in anything before and I didn’t think he’d be very fitting for an otome game role at first, but I grew to like his voice. The way he and Kyouko say おひいさん is just hhnnnggh ♥(ノ´∀`)Made me really feel like a princess!

Rita should get more opportunities to make more songs like the OP song, it fits her voice well. There’s not many standout tracks in the BGM, but it’s generally pretty and fits to the mood. I could listen to this all day:


Mostly very pretty, even if there’s a bit of quality fluctuation sometimes (I’m guessing this game had been on development for a while?). I’m guessing it divides opinions, since it’s often far from what you would consider generic otome game art:

I have to admit getting used to the art was a bit hard at first for me too, but after that I think it only adds to the game. (Even if I still question Shiba’s color coordinating sense hahaha) One thing I don’t like about the sprites though is that they are on the screen scaled by the game engine most of the time, which makes the line art all pixelated looking. It looks a little distracting, but then again that way the sprites are nice and crisp in their full size at the close-up shots.

The system for this game is nothing out of the ordinary and menu functions are in kanji like they tend to be in historical games. What stands out a bit weird to me, though, is the clicking noise which plays whenever you hover over any button in the game which makes navigating the menus kinda annoying with it loudly going CLICKCLICKCLICKCLICK.

Porn-wise it’s the usual porn otoge fair with a sizable portion of sex scenes being rape. At least most of them are in bad ends and Aromarie does advertise themselves as “the creator of dark-themed otome games”. I think Fujita’s scenes in general disturbed me more than anything… I mean I kinda knew what was coming beforehand so I force-skipped over them but even then my expression went from (´_`)to (∑(O_O;) in a split second. And I thought I could handle it since I read Seikon no Qwaser but NNNOPE. Didn’t help that his voice is unsettingly deep, so I got the heebie jeebies whenever I heard him in an anime for months after completing his routes. (゜◇゜)

I would definitely recommend this game to anyone who is craving for something other than the usual school stuff or is fed up with stupidly long fight scenes in history games usually (I know I am). If the whole eroge thing turns you off from playing, the game has also been ported to Vita and PSP this year with added new endings and remade graphics. I think this would be worth a play even if you’ve got no interest in otoge otherwise, since like I said, the fluff level is low and the character interaction are written in a way that you could easily enjoy this as a regular history drama game instead!

^The best ChouHana right there.

I’m getting my hopes up for the R18 Otome

Jooubachi no Oubou

Otome Games Pc

(THE BEE GAME) to be one of the most requested titles (hopefully) in MangaGamer’s 2018 Survey, and let me tell you this: FUCKING BLESS YOU IF YOU VOTED FOR IT!!!

(≧◡≦) ♡

I actually included that one on my top 10 titles for localization and placed it as #9, but tbh I wanted to put it as #1!!! lol…

The reason I placed it so low was because I’ve basically spoiled myself by reading reviews + looking at CGs and this game is dark + “hardcore”(?). In other words: This game is wild, yo! (TOTALLY MY TYPE OF GAME) but honestly, judging from the comments I often see in the playstore for some otome games with non-con/rape/assault, do-S guys, etc. I thought this game would only appeal to the minority ^^;

As much as I want this game localized, if you are voting for it blindly just because it was suggested to you: I suggest that you please read about it and inform yourself about what sort of themes this game has and what some of the characters engage in. (You can find this info in vndb) I don’t really recommend this game to those who are sensitive or feel uncomfortable with some of the things that happen in the game, so make sure you are down for this game if you are going to vote for it because remember: The success of the game is a critical factor if we want more Otome/R18 Otome titles releases in the future.

Anyways, Menou Hen all the way


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