Maschine 2 Software

  1. Maschine 2 Software
  2. Maschine 2 software, free download

MASCHINE 2 Factory Library. MASCHINE 2 Factory Library is a free program that brings you the sound library for the Machine product group. MASCHINE 2 Factory Library is a free program. The MASCHINE, MASCHINE MIKRO and MASCHINE. The tutorials in this outline provide thorough overview of the Maschine 2 software as well as the Maschine Studio controller. This is a great place for Maschine beginners to start with Maschine 2, as well as those updating from the previous version of Maschine.

I have chosen to work with Maschine 2 Software as a way of working with loops and arranging loops (patterns) into a song. I could have worked with Ableton as well, and I will probably do so in the future as Ableton can be rewired into Reaper, but Maschine can not. Maschine can be used as a Vsti (virtual instrument) only. I was using Micro Prism as my sound source.

All was fine until I began to create multiple instruments in Maschine, playing on top of each other in 1 midi file.

I made the timing of Maschine 8 bars long, and I played small segments of melody and rhythm on different “patterns” 1 pattern = 1 musical phrase. Multiple patterns playing back on top of each other, using midi.

Maschine 2 Software

Maschine 2 Software


Maschine 2 software, free download

The problem came when I recorded them into reaper, as reaper records the loop many times onto 1 track. It records on top of the previous recording, but keeps them both (I believe 3 tracks deep).

Although the Maschine scene is playing only 1 melody, Reaper is playing 3 back. If I deleted 1 pattern, Reaper would be playing the other 2. It got quite confusing, as there was a sound coming from the computer but I did not know where it was coming from.

I converted the Maschine midi track into an Reaper audio file, and then Maschine stopped working all together. I still do not know why that happened, I could create new patterns in Maschine, but the old patterns were no longer usable (?).

In Maschine I can easily export the midi and audio files into Reaper, they come in small segments in relationship the the bar size. To arrange these small phrases into a working file in Reaper takes a lot of time. Too long for what I am willing to spend on 1 track. It is like creating a song from small segments.

If I deleted the Reaper data, the Maschine data disappeared too. Maschine was not collecting and saving the data independently of Reaper.


The only way I could see Maschine being useful inside of Reaper is to create the patterns inside of Maschine, and then arrange them into a song (in Maschine), and then play them inside of Reaper as I would a guitar, so Reaper is recording the midi data, like another instrument. Recording is possible, only if there is 1 continuous playback (not looped). Looping is possible with Machine if I wanted to record a loop in Reaper.