Hospital Management System Project Source Code

Hospital Management System is an online management system that is used to manage the hospital, I am explaining various functionality of the hospital management system. You can check. I am an expert in computer science assignment help. You can enjoy taking my programming assignment services at once. I hope you will love my services.

If you want a hospital management System project in any programming languages (PHP, Python, Java,, Ruby on Rail, C, and C++). I can develop it for you. So how do you want to contact me? You can fill this form. Once you will fill that form, I will be connecting you within few minutes. I have worked for more than 1500 clients. You can check what they say about me.

Hospital management system Project is free to download and the source code is based on core PHP. Comments are inputted into the source code for better understanding. Optimized codes are being used and is easy to understand. Modules and its features.

Jul 05, 2021 Hospital Management System in PHP MySQL with Source Code A simple project based on Hospital Management System which uses PHP Language. Following PHP project contains the least but important features which can be in use for the first year, second year IT students for their college projects. Hospital Management System (Health Care Hospital) is designed for managing details about hospital patient,employee and rooms (10). Designed by using HTML / CSS / JS / JQUERY/ PHP (procedural php) / MYSQL and developed by Jayendra Matarage. Languages and Framworks HTML CSS JS PHP (procedural php) MYSQL JQUERY BOOTSTRAP. Mar 15, 2020 GETTING INTO THE PROJECT: Hospital Management System in php and mysql. This system has a ‘Home’ page from where the patient, doctor & administrator can login into their accounts by toggling the tabs accordingly. Fig 1.1 shows the ‘Home’ page of our project.

Hospital Management System Project Source Code

Hospitals play a major role in a human’s life. There is no human on earth that is not going to be suffering some sort of sickness. I have listed more than 90 Computer Science Projects for Final Year. Check that. It is a very harsh but the truth of life. Nothing is perfect on this earth so does a human. Hospitals provide the best medical facility to people who are not well.

It may be due to some sort of stress, changes in climates, work-overload (this is one of the major issues who work in the corporate world) or someone might hurt himself/herself.

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How Can It Help?

There are several other reasons that a person needs medical assistance. And, to provide the best medical assistance, the management of the hospital must be disciplined, well-versed in its service-providing techniques. They should be able to keep track of the records of the doctors, patients, nurses, and other hospital staff.

But if these records are maintained on the paper, it will not be a cup of tea that can be sipped without burning the lips. It is not very efficient, is not reliable, and is a very time-consuming process. In today’s highly technological era, it is not feasible not also technically but also economically. So, I thought of making an automated system for keeping the track of all the activities and maintaining their records.

It is called “Hospital Management System”. My main aim is to minimize the paperwork of the hospital as minimum as possible, if not completely.


Now let me introduced to the fact, why you should go for it.

The following points will glorify the beauty of it:

  • Computerization – All the details regarding hospitals, whether it is small or big, will be computerized.
  • Automated inventory – If the medicines are provided to the patients, the stock will be reduced in the inventory, and will help in to know the status of the available medicines.
  • No redundancy – For every test that is conducted of the patients, an automated report will be generated and will be available to the patients and his / her concerned doctor uniformly.
  • Keep the Records – It will be an easier task for the management to keep the record of the patients for historical purposes.
  • Appointment – It will be easier for both the doctors and the patients to have the appointments. It is just two clicks away.

How do you feel now? You should go for it or need some more cents. Confused? Do not bother; I will add my $0.02 to fascinate you. Let me list more key features for this project.

Key Features:

  • Multi-user account system
  • Monitoring the whole hospital system
  • Management of all type of users’ account
  • Notice Board
  • Appointment Management
  • View Appointments
  • Notifications
  • Medical History
  • Invoice Management
  • Medical Report Management
  • Internal Communication
  • Responsive User Interfaces

How does it sound now? I know your eyes will be shining like a star in the sky at night. Now, allow me to explain the whole project and the modules involved in it.

ERD For Hospital Management System

Modules Description

There are eight types of users involved in a hospital management system:

  • Admin
  • Doctor
  • Patient
  • Nurse
  • Receptionist
  • Pharmacist
  • Accountant
  • Laboratories

Each of the above plays an important role in the hospital management system. If a single of them does not function properly, the management will not be successful.

Admin Module of Hospital Management System

  • It is the most powerful user of the system.
  • There will be only one admin in the system.
  • The admin can create and manage all other 7 user accounts. He/she can delete any account according to need.
  • The admin can monitor all the activities of the hospital. Whatever is going on in the hospital, will be available in the admin panel.
  • If others violate the codes of the hospital, he can take immediate action and can charge that user.

Before discussing the other 7 modules, let me tell you some common features, which will be involved in these modules and their functionalities will be the same across all of the seven modules.

Entering Into the System (registration)

Every single type of user except admin will go through the initial phase i.e. registration in order to start with the system. The registration process will not be exactly the same for all types of users.

The following are the common requirement fields:

  • Name – The user will be asked to enter his/her full name.
  • Password – It is the key field that will help the user to have a secure account in the system.
  • Contact No. – The concerned user should also provide his personal mobile number or residence contact number so that he/she can be contacted at the time of need.
  • Email ID – Now, the email address has become the for the communication purpose, verifying the users involved in the system. It helps in making the authenticated system.


  • When the user enters all the above details in the valid form, he/she should read the terms and conditions, and policy.
  • If he/she is satisfied with all the statements stated in those terms and conditions on, policy page, he/she should tick the checkbox.
  • When this registration process is completed successfully, a mail will be sent to the email address for verification purposes.
  • The user will have to follow simple order of instructions. After completion of these steps, a unique id will be generated and given to the concerned user, which will be mainly used later on as patient ID, doctor ID, accountant ID, nurse ID, etc.


This is also the main common feature of the hospital management system. Every type of user will have to enter his / her unique id as login id, which was given to her/him after completing the email verification, and the password. If both login id and password are matched with the credential stored in the system, the user will be granted access to the system.

For every type of user there will be different view and different privileges of the system.

Forgot Login ID or Password

Forgetting is human nature. None can deny this fact. There might be possible that a user is trying to access the system after a long period of time, and he or she may forget his / her registered login id or password or both of them. I have taken the users’ that concern too into the account so that it is smoother for him/her to recover the login id or password according to need.

  • Via Email – The users just have to enter their respective valid registered email ids into the field. An immediate email will be sent to their respective email ids with some set of instructions to recover the login id and password.
  • Via Mobile – In order to recover the password and login-id, the user just has entered the registered email id and registered mobile number (both). A 6-digit PIN combination will be sent to the respective mobile number and that PIN must be entered into the appropriate field. If it matches with the generated PIN number, the user will be able to recover the login id and password.

Change Password

Security plays a vital role in any system. Suppose, someone knows the login id and password combination, that would be a threat. That burglar may misuse the system, steal private information, etc. So, if any user suspects his / her login credentials are compromised, that user must change his / her password immediately.

Edit Profile

It is another common feature of this management system. It is not possible to ask for all the important information from the user at the time of registration. This would make the difficult time for the user who is trying to create the account for the first time in the system. So, a user can enter his/her personal information anytime they want.

Hospital Management System Project Source Coded

One of them is the address. It is mandatory for some future communications. It consists of the apartment number, area name, street name, city name, zip code, country name, etc.

The following are some additional information that needs to be updated:

  • Date of Birth.
  • Age.
  • Gender.
  • Height and Weight – (For patients).
  • Profile Photo – The user must upload his / her profile photo after the first login.
  • Designation – (For Hospital staffs).

And, the users can update any of these fields or their contact numbers any time they want. Now, I have detailed all the common features for seven modules.

Let us get into the other different features of each module:


The receptionist will be the user that will keep tabs on the appointments. This user will maintain the timetable of each doctor. This timetable of each doctor will be available to the patients. The other task the receptionist can do is, filtering the appointments based on doctors and time periods so that it is easy to access the appointment record.


An accountant is a user who deals with the financial transactions of the hospitals. All the payment information and invoices will be managed by the accountant.


All the medicines and their information in the hospital are managed by the pharmacists. He/she can view which medicines are in the stocks and which are to be needed. He/she can filter the medicines based on date i.e. expired date so that it is easier to know which medicines are going to expire so that those can be arranged at the hour of the need.


When the patient provides the prescription to the pharmacist, the pharmacist can provide the appropriate medications to the concerned patient.


This is the user why a hospital management system is introduced. Neither any person will get sick nor will we need a hospital. But you and I both know; this is next to impossible. A patient can make an appointment with the available doctors. The timetable will be shown which is directed by the receptionist. When the doctor approves the appointment, the patient will be notified via SMS.

The patient can view the doctor’s report about his / her appointment and his / her prescription details. Thus, the patient can clearly know what has happened to him/her and how she or he should take care of herself or himself. If there are some serious health issues and the patient is needed to be admitted into the hospital, the bed would be allotted to him or her.

The patient can view the information about the allotted bed. The patient can also have a private massage session with the doctors.


The nurse is an assistant to the doctor. The nurse helps the doctors in performing the operations. She takes the diagnostic report and provides it to the doctor.


Whenever a patient is asked by the doctor to have some tests, so that the doctor can prescribe some medications according to the test result, the patient goes to the lab. Their lab assistant diagnoses some tests and generates the reports. This report further is handed over to the nurse’s account.


  • The doctor is the user who will help the patients with their physical health. The doctor will be able to approve the appointments whether he or she wants to take them or not.
  • If the doctor wants, he or she can cancel the appointments. The concerned patient will be notified via SMS.
  • The doctor can view the medication history of the patients. The doctor can provide prescriptions to the patients.
  • The doctor will be able to have a private conversation with the patients. There might be a chance when the patient needs medical assistance at home or anywhere but a hospital. So, I will provide a private massage room for the doctor and patient.


Looks like you have got the main points that I am trying to convey. I can help you to provide such a marvelous project to you. I will make this project for you in any technology you want, does not matter if it is PHP, JAVA, Ruby on Rails, ASP.NET, etc., just name it. If you want some modification to the project, I’ll customize it for you.

If you have any query or a single doubt, do not let it bother you, just reach out to me now. My main motto is to make you happy and 100% satisfied with my work. If you will not be happy in the end, I will not charge anything for my services. Hire me to do your project and assignment, Contact me now. Don’t forget to check my happy clients’ testimonials.


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This is a hospital management user interface for managing, monitoring and controlling the system in a Hospital. This application is developed in java, which mainly focuses on basic operations in a hospital like adding new patient information, and updating new information, assigning the doctor for patient. It features a familiar and well thought-out, an attractive online user interface, combined with strong searching Insertion and reporting capabilities. The Backend of the project is designed with Java, MySQL for database connectivity and front end using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap. This was my Java mini-project for third semester UG.

Modules and their requirements :-

User Module :

  1. Login
  2. Registration
  3. View Menu
  4. Book Appointment.

Admin Module :

  1. Login
  2. View Menu
  3. View All User
  4. View All Doctors
  5. View All Appointment

Doctor Module :

  1. Login
  2. Registration
  3. View Appointment.
  4. Profile .

Software Requirements

Technology used:

  1. Front end – JSP
  2. Backend – MYSQL


  1. IDE - Netbeans 8.2
  2. Database support - MySQL 5.7
  3. Operating system – Windows 8 and above
  4. Server deployment - Glassfish server


Hospital Management System Project Source Code Java

  • HTML is integrated in JSP. It provides a means to structure text based information in a document. It allows users to produce web pages that include text, graphics and
  • Javascript is a scripting language which supports the development of both client and server applications. It is preferred at client side to write programs that can be
    executed by a web browser within the context of a web page.
  • CSS(Cascading Style Sheets) is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language. Although most often used to set the visual style of web pages and user interfaces written in HTML and XHTML, the language can be applied to any XML document,
  • SQL is the language used to manipulate relational databases. It is tied closely with the relational model. It is issued for the purpose of data definition and data
  • Java Server pages is a simple yet powerful technology for creating and maintaining dynamic-content web pages. It is based on the Java programming language. It can be thought of as an extension to servlet because it provides more functionality than servlet A JSP page consists of HTML tags and JSP tags. The jsp pages are easier to maintain than servlet because we can separate designing and

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We require a JDBC connection between the front end and back end components to write

to the database and fetch required data.

Hospital Management System PHP Project Source Code

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